With reference to a preliminary tender advertised in January last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Defense and the Icelandic Coast Guard, Defense Division draw attention to the fact that bids have been opened for the project “Keflavik Fleet Operations Support #1” on the US government’s tender website, sam.gov. https://sam.gov/opp/720ad066b7804118bad1beeb15cd7ef7/view
The project, tender description and other documents can be found on the said website under the number; N3319125RF011. Design documents can be found on the website piee.eb.mil under the same number. https://piee.eb.mil/sol/xhtml/unauth/search/oppMgmtLink.xhtml?solNo=N3319125RF011
The project involves the renovation of the US Navy’s submarine surveillance center in the Keflavík Airport security area.
The deadline for submitting bids is March 17, 2025 at 11:00 Icelandic time. Bids will be opened immediately after the bid deadline expires.